Great Meals for Your Wild Game


Written by: Gramma Recipebox

game meat 6607794 640It's that time of year again, and you have a freezer full of game: elk, moose, venison, or even rabbit. Don't know what you are going to do with it? Don't want to waste it? Never fear! We have the recipes you need to make those meats into amazing meals.




Replenishing your Pantry


Written by: Grandma Recipe Box Team
pantry 6033796 640In the last few years, our families have seen more than most people see in a lifetime, COVID-19 pandemic, civil unrest, and now a shipping crisis It's time we all sit down and start thinking of how we can better provide for our family in these trying times.

In talking with my friend Penelopenicia, we have both looked into building our pantries. Mine suffered a hit in the COVID-19 stay-at-home orders.

So Peneolencicia gave me a link to an article on the depression style panty, so I decided to share a bit more of what I have learned over the years.

First of all, it's not an easy task to keep a pantry. Some houses don't have the space for food storage. I have found that using tubs found at Walmart is a great way to store things. I keep my canned and dehydrated food in the basement, reducing the chance of spoiling.